Swing Me Like I Wanna Be Swung!

What follows is a video diary of a trip to the playground in three posts (one per video-clip) – showing some of the work we’re doing with Noa with the walker but starting out (above) with an example of what Noa likes to do for fun.

As you can see, Noa likes to fly! She loves big swings and lots of motion. She is very good at hanging on (she knows we take the holding on tight rule is very seriously). Sometimes people are surprised by Noa’s love of the big swings, and all this spinning and turning in unpredictable ways. But she loves it! If you think about it most kids this age love to run and jump and skip and explore new ways of moving in space – it’s exciting! – but Noa can’t do this for herself. Still, she has to get her ya-ya’s out like any energized 4 year old who can run in circles until you get dizzy just watching!

We do try to get her to play with more things on the playground, but really the swings are her fav. I think everything else feels like therapy – though there is a plastic playhouse in the garden of our building that she seems to sort of like. And she likes pounding on the “playground rules” sign in the garden: it’s kind of loose in its frame and it makes a huge noise which scares the other kids (and then they want to try it) and annoys nearby parents and care-givers who would never let their kid do something like that… so… yeah, I try to not let her go crazy on that during prime playground hours.

In this series, we track Noa from the tire swing to the regular swing on the other side of the park.

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